3 Common Misconceptions People Have About Mold


Mold can cause serious problems in homes and buildings if left unchecked. However, there are many widespread misconceptions about mold that prevent people from properly dealing with it. If you discover mold growth in your property, it's crucial to separate fact from fiction. Having the right information allows you to take appropriate action with the help of professional mold remediation companies. Let's clear up some of the most common misunderstandings so you know the truth about tackling mold issues effectively.

Bleach Kills Mold for All

Many people think using bleach is a good way to get rid of mold. But this is actually one of the worst things you can do! Mold is a living fungus that spreads through tiny spores in the air. When you spray bleach on mold, it tries to survive by releasing even more spores into the air. This makes the mold problem worse! Mold also grows roots deep into surfaces where bleach can't reach. So the mold just grows back after being bleached.

Spraying bleach on mold is not a long-term solution. You need to properly remove the mold and fix the moisture problem that allowed it to grow in the first place. This is a job for a professional mold remediation company.

Black Mold is Dangerous

Some people think only black mold is harmful, but this is not true. There are different types of mold and they can all cause health issues. Black mold (called Stachybotrys) is toxic and can indeed cause very serious problems like breathing troubles and organ damage.

But other molds are dangerous too, even if they don't look as scary as black mold. Molds like Cladosporium can cause allergies, headaches, rashes and more. Molds like Aspergillus can actually cause diseases. No matter what color the mold is, it's important to have it properly removed by a mold remediation company before it makes you sick.

You can make Your Home Totally Mold-Free

Mold exists naturally everywhere, indoors and outdoors. It's impossible to completely remove all mold from your home. The goal of professional mold removal is to lower mold levels to a safe amount that won't cause health problems.

Different people can react differently to various mold types and amounts. That's why it's best to have a professional inspect your home and test for mold levels. A qualified mold remediation company can then remove excess mold growth and return your home to safe, normal mold levels.

So those are three big misconceptions about mold! Don't try dealing with mold yourself using bleach or other DIY methods. Mold problems require professional help from experienced mold remediation companies. Taking proper steps ensures your home is a healthy, safe environment for you and your family. Call Mold Remediation Experts at Pure Service Pro to Schedule an Appointment for Mold Inspection and Removal at Your Place.


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